LT-Bridge AI Workshop #DiscussAI 2022

We would like to invite you to be part of the discussion around the ethics of AI technology as part of the #DiscussAI programme which is organised in collaboration with ADAPT Center. The discussion will take place on Friday, 30th September 2022 at 18:30 CET.

This interactive #DiscussAI workshop invites you to have your say on the use of public surveillance through AI. If you would like to register please use this link.

#DiscussAI is ADAPT’s interactive and collaborative programme of public events about Artificial Intelligence and how this ground-breaking technology impacts all of our lives and society.

Through the #DiscussAI programme, ADAPT researchers seek to engage communities and individuals across the country in conversations that raise and answer questions, and generate ideas for new research.

LT-Bridge is part of the Horizon 2020 Work Programme spreading Excellence and Widening Participation (WIDESPREAD) and aims to integrate Malta into European research and innovation efforts for AI-based language technologies.  More information on the project can be found here:

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