What to bring
- Laptop for Hands-on Lab sessions
- If available: valid student ID, any university around the world is fine
How to reach us
From Mannheim or Paris (Freeway A6):
Leave the freeway at the exit St.Ingbert-West and follow the white road signs towards the university (Universität). After approx. 6 km, take the exit Universität-Nord / Science Park Saar.
After the underpass, continue for 300m and then turn to the left. Get a ticket at the gate and continue for another 200m until you see the white DFKI building on the left.
There is a parking area below the building. If necessary, ring the bell at the gate. Visitors using the DFKI parking area can get a free exit ticket at the DFKI reception desk (on demand).
Further Information: Parking on Saarland Informatics Campus
The Saarland Transport Association SaarVV provides a timetable information app, which allows to find the best bus connection from your current position.
To reach the DFKI building, select the destination stop Universität Mensa, Saarbrücken.
Select a train connection to Saarbrücken (main station) on the Deutsche Bahn website.
At the main sation, you can take a taxi (ca. 10 minutes) or a bus to Universität Mensa, Saarbrücken.
Via Saarbrücken Airport:
At the airport exit, take a taxi to Saarland University (Universität des Saarlandes). Travel time is about 20 minutes.
Via Luxembourg Airport:
Take any train or bus to Luxembourg Main station and then the bus L40 to Saarbrücken main station. From there, take a taxi (ca. 10 minutes) or a bus to Universität Mensa, Saarbrücken
Via Frankfurt Airport:
At the Airport railway station, take a train to Saarbrücken main station, then take a taxi (ca. 10 minutes) or a bus to Universität Mensa, Saarbrücken.
Unless otherwise specified, all activities will start at DFKI (building D3.2), in room Reuse, right beside the foyer.
Where to eat
Lunch for the Winter School participants is arranged at the University Mensa (building D4.1), which is located just in front of the DFKI building.
Voucher cards for payments in the Mensa and the Mensa café can be obtained from

Simon Ostermann
Winter School organisation – DFKI GmbH

Social Dinner (6 March, 18:30)
Restaurant “Die Kartoffel”
Sankt-Johanner-Markt 32
66111 Saarbrücken
To simplify the organisation and reduce waiting times at the restaurant to a minimum, please fill in this form by 5 March 2024, 17:00 CET.
Thank you for your collaboration!
How to get there:
The Saarland Transport Association SaarVV provides a timetable information app, which allows to find the best bus connection from your current position. From the bus stop Universität Mensa, Saarbrücken, choose one of the following destinations:- Haus der Zukunft, Saarbrücken
- Johanneskirche, Saarbrücken
- Rathaus, Saarbrücken
Excursion (7 March, 14:30)

Guided tour of the World Heritage Site “Völklinger Hütte”
Rathausstraße 75-79
66333 Völklingen
Please don’t forget to bring your valid student ID, if applicable, as it will be requested for the validation of the reduced tickets.
A shuttle bus will leave from DFKI at 3 pm CET.
The guided tour at the Völklinger Hütte is planned from approx. 4 to 6 pm. Afterwards, the shuttle bus will return to Saarbrücken and arrive at the DFKI around 7 pm.
Nice spots to discover in Saarbrücken
To discover the city’s hot spots, take one of the busses to Saarbrücken city centre (“Haus der Zukunft”, “Johanneskirche”, “Rathaus”) and click on one of the links below to get the detailed route from your current position.

Nauwieser Viertel
The Nauwieser Viertel is a popular place to go out and is well-known for its lively art and music scene. Experience its relaxed atmosphere in the best pubs, bars and cafés in town.

St.Johanner Markt
St. Johanner Markt with its boutiques, bars, bistros and restaurants is an ideal place to meet people or saunter through the picturesque alleys scattered around the market square.

Take advantage of the wide range of products offered by the major warehouses or take a break in one of the cafés and bistros in Saarbrücken's main shopping mall.

Ulanenpavillon / Staden
The Saar boulevard provides the perfect setting for a leisurely stroll, jogging, roller-skating, cycling or sunbathing. Enjoy a beer or a glass of rosé at the beer garden Ulanenpavillon.

Silo / Osthafen
The Silo at the eastern harbour of the Saar is an old industrial building that now houses an event restaurant inside and a beer garden outside.