Scientific Strategy (WP1)
This work package will play a fundamental role in all capacity building activities of the project, as it will set the content, frame and targets for all activities. It will define the priorities for joint research activities between the partners, as well the contents and context for all related training measures. Last but not least, it will provide the basis for the set-up of a joint research lab.
Research Excellence (WP2)
This work package will integrate the event-based research capacity building measures (workshops, training courses, webinars) and hands-on research experiences (shared tasks, staff exchange, joint publications, etc.) which represent an integral part of LT-BRIDGE. It will also include UM’s cooperation with / integration in leading European LT Bodies and projects.
Early Stage Researchers Training & networking (WP3)
The set of activities directly addressing the young researchers and focused on their training, networking and ensuring solid research career prospects. It will include the mechanism of double supervision and coaching (copied from the MSCA Programme experiences), summer schools, dedicated training, as well as mobility.
Innovation & Research Management Capacity Building (WP4)
This work package will extend the research capacity of UM with its capacity to convert research results into societal and economic values. This includes diverse training measures (face-to-face, online, on-the-job), as well as the actual implementation of a pilot innovation project integrating the competences built before.
Visibility & Socio-economic Impact (WP5)
The project will implement a coherent dissemination strategy targeting all principal target groups (scientific community, businesses, public services, general public) as well as various communication channels relevant to achieve visibility among these groups on European level, but also regionally and nationally. Most importantly, project results will be exploited to the maximum extent. A corresponding Plan for dissemination and exploitation will guide the activities.
Management & Coordination (WP6)
The project is based on effective leadership and management. The coordinator UM will be supported by the experienced European experts DFKI and DCU in running daily management activities in accordance with the Grant Agreement and European best practice. Corresponding measures for quality control and IPR handling will be established.

Deliverable No. | Deliverable Name | Work Package No. |
D1.1 | Draft Scientific Strategy Report | 1 |
D1.2 | Final Scientific Strategy Report | 1 |
D1.3 | Joint Virtual Laboratory Report | 1 |
D2.1 | First Workshop Report | 2 |
D2.3 | Second Workshop Report | 2 |
D2.3 | Third Workshop Report | 2 |
D2.4 | Webinar Series Report | 2 |
D2.5 | Report on Staff Mobility Program | 2 |
D3.1 | Collection of CDP for ESRs | 3 |
D3.2 | 1st Summer School Report | 3 |
D3.3 | 2nd Summer School Report | 3 |
D3.4 | Report on Highly Specialized ESR Trainings | 3 |
D4.1 | Training workshops report | 4 |
D4.2 | Common Challenges in EU Funding Report | 4 |
D4.3 | Report on Coaching Scheme | 4 |
D4.4 | Engaging and Enabling Researchers Workshop | 4 |
D4.5 | Pilot Innovation Project Plan | 4 |
D5.1 | Project Website | 5 |
D5.2 | Promotional Materials (incl. video) | 5 |
D5.3 | Plan for dissemination & Exploitation | 5 |
D6.1 | First Progress Report | 6 |
D6.2 | Final Progress Report | 6 |